@Before public void setUp() throws IOException { initMocks(this); final Random random = new SecureRandom(); redisServer = new RedisServer(); redisServer.start(); pool = new JedisPool(); repository = new RedisKeyRepository(pool); manager = new RedisKeyManager(random, pool, repository); manager.setMaxActiveKeys(3); clearData(); manager.initialiseNewRepository(); resource = new ProtectedResource(repository, random); }
@Before public void setUpRedis() throws IOException, SchedulerConfigException { port = getPort(); logger.debug("Attempting to start embedded Redis server on port " + port); redisServer = RedisServer.builder() .port(port) .build(); redisServer.start(); final short database = 1; JedisPoolConfig jedisPoolConfig = new JedisPoolConfig(); jedisPoolConfig.setTestOnBorrow(true); jedisPool = new JedisPool(jedisPoolConfig, host, port, Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, null, database); jobStore = new RedisJobStore(); jobStore.setHost(host); jobStore.setLockTimeout(2000); jobStore.setPort(port); jobStore.setInstanceId("testJobStore1"); jobStore.setDatabase(database); mockScheduleSignaler = mock(SchedulerSignaler.class); jobStore.initialize(null, mockScheduleSignaler); schema = new RedisJobStoreSchema(); jedis = jedisPool.getResource(); jedis.flushDB(); }
使用RedisServerBuilder构建Redis server,并且指定port
@Test //Note the try/finally is to ensure that the server is shutdown so other tests do not have to //provide auth information public void testAuth() throws Exception { RedisServer server = RedisServer.builder().port(6381).setting("requirepass foobar").build(); server.start(); RedisOptions job = new RedisOptions() .setHost("localhost") .setPort(6381); RedisClient rdx = RedisClient.create(vertx, job); rdx.auth("barfoo", reply -> { assertFalse(reply.succeeded()); rdx.auth("foobar", reply2 -> { assertTrue(reply2.succeeded()); try { server.stop(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } testComplete(); }); }); await(); }
@Test public void testDebugSegfault() throws Exception { RedisServer server = RedisServer.builder().port(6381).build(); server.start(); RedisOptions job = new RedisOptions() .setHost("localhost") .setPort(6381); RedisClient rdx = RedisClient.create(vertx, job); rdx.debugSegfault(reply -> { // this should fail, since we crashed the server on purpose assertTrue(reply.failed()); rdx.info(reply2 -> { assertFalse(reply2.succeeded()); server.stop(); testComplete(); }); }); await(); }
java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't start redis server. Check logs for details. at redis.embedded.AbstractRedisInstance.awaitRedisServerReady(AbstractRedisInstance.java:66) at redis.embedded.AbstractRedisInstance.start(AbstractRedisInstance.java:37) at redis.embedded.RedisServer.start(RedisServer.java:11) at com.bignibou.configuration.session.EmbeddedRedisConfiguration$RedisServerBean.afterPropertiesSet(EmbeddedRedisConfiguration.java:26) at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.invokeInitMethods(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1633) at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.initializeBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1570) ... 15 more
The windows version of redis allocates a large memory mapped file for sharing the heap with the forked process used in persistence operations. This file will be created in the current working directory or the directory specified by the 'heapdir' directive in the .conf file. Windows is reporting that there is insufficient disk space available for this file (Windows error 0x70). You may fix this probilem by either reducing the size of the Redis heap with the --maxheap flag, or by moving the heap file to a local drive with sufficient space. Please see the documentation included with the binary distributions for more details on the --maxheap and --heapdir flags. Redis can not continue, Exiting.
@Test public void testAuth() throws Exception { RedisServer server = RedisServer.builder().port(6381).setting("maxheap 51200000").build(); server.start(); }
关于redis maxheap的详细描述如下:
# The Redis heap must be larger than the value specified by the maxmemory # flag, as the heap allocator has its own memory requirements and # fragmentation of the heap is inevitable. If only the maxmemory flag is # specified, maxheap will be set at 1.5*maxmemory. If the maxheap flag is # specified along with maxmemory, the maxheap flag will be automatically # increased if it is smaller than 1.5*maxmemory. # # maxheap <bytes> maxheap 51200000